About Us

Overseas Marine Certification Services (OMCS CLASS) is a leading ship classification society.

We provide a critical link in the marine risk management chain by serving as an independent institution operating between ship owners, builders, financiers, underwriters, flag administrations, and vessel charterers.

We maintain independent technical requirements for the design, construction, and survey of ships and marine facilities. These requirements incorporate the latest methods, tools, and techniques to ensure that we provide the most efficient and thorough service while keeping costs to you at a minimum.

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure the preservation of life, property, and the marine environment. We accomplish this through impartial surveys and certifications to ensure a vessel is in compliance with established national and international rules and regulations.

Our Vision

We want to become the leading NON-IACS Classifications Society and Recognized Organization in terms of Safety, Quality, Reliability and Services.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is applicable to the Board of Directors, officers and employees of International Marine Experts (IME), Overseas Marine Certification Services (OMCS CLASS), Bierman Pautt and Bright North. It also applies to OMCS promoting agents, surveyors or service supplier’s providers, freelance surveyors/inspectors without exceptions, while in their performance of work on behalf of the foregoing Group of Companies. The objective of this code is to insure behavior based on honesty, integrity, impartiality and good conduct in the pursuance of their activities.

Key elements of our ethics program include the following:

Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct applies to all employees. It describes our core values, which should be incorporated into every business decision. The code also lays out our conduct and conflict of interest standards and highlights key compliance topics. We urge our administrative staff, surveyors, auditors, inspectors and subcontractors to adopt the same standards that we adhere to.  We remind all Staff and Members that we are bound to observe the TSCI Statute and Ethic Norms.

About Impartiality, Integrity and Ethics

About Business

Core Values

About People

About Social Environmental Responsability

Anti Bribery and Anti-Corruption

Quality, Biosecurity, Cybersecurity, Safety and Pollution Prevention Policy Message from the Board of Directors

1. Since its foundation in 2004, OMCS CLASS has striven to promote the safety of life, property, and the natural environment, through the development and verification of standards for the design, construction, and maintenance of marine related facilities.

2. Our long traditions and values, based on the Honesty, efficiency, integrity, credibility, professionalism, and high sense of responsibility of our staff, entitle our customers and relevant interested parties, to expect that the services offered to them cover their needs and expectations, in the sense of our commitment to comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements. Including the improvement of the effectiveness of our quality management system.

3. Safety and pollution prevention at sea may be effectively enhanced by strictly applying international conventions, codes, and resolutions while broadening the perception that safety and productivity should never be seen as opposing or mutually excluded objectives.

4. OMCS CLASS are committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all physical and electronic information assets throughout the organization.

5. To achieve high standards of quality, biosecurity, cybersecurity, safety, and pollution prevention, OMCS CLASS is committed to employ qualified personnel according to IMO guidelines and the Code for the Recognized Organizations and will continually provide the training and resources needed.

6. Identify and minimize all possible disruptive cyber incidents that could have the ability to halt or significantly interrupt business operations.

7. OMCS CLASS has established its Quality Management System based on the International Standards ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 which is line with the RO Code and the applicable IMO instrument governing the requirements set forth to Recognized Organizations.

OMCS CLASS Management in the
frame of its commitments:

a) Establishes measurable quality objectives for providing our customers with clear, reliable, accurate impartial, and speedy services giving safety and pollution prevention the highest priority.

b) Ensuring that quality policy, objectives (including provisions applicable to the class and statutory certification and other services) are well understood by the personnel and adopting the principle of continuous improvement, as well as all information assets under OMCS CLASS control, and those received from the customer or other parties, from all threats whether internal or external, deliberate, or accidental.

c) Provides the necessary resources, including work environment, for all company’s departments’ productive and effective function.

d) Reviews and improves the risk management and procedures followed for improving the effectiveness of the quality system to enhance customers and relevant interested parties’ satisfaction by meeting their needs and expectations complying with all applicable requirements and understanding the context of the organization.

e) Performs the necessary Managements reviews, internal and external audits to improve the effectiveness of the QMS.

f) Reviews the QP, Quality Objectives, and QMS to maintain its continuous suitability.

g) Determines and manages the numerous link activities needed, to enable the transformation of inputs into valuable outputs, thus establishing the necessary “Risk Management”

h) Invests in the continuous awareness and training of the personnel to enhance quality in every activity.

i) To promote a spirit of inspiration in our employees, surveyors, and agents through the quality culture, commitment, and cooperation.

j) To ensure that all OMCS CLASS staff are made fully aware and follow the guidance to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and the contingency measures necessary for the continuity of the service in the event of a person or persons become infected.

k) Recognizes and awards teamwork as well as every individual effort leading to improvement.

l) Ensuring that our Organization’s Rules and Regulations and its Quality Management System are developed and kept updated systematically.

m) On behalf of OMCS CLASS, we undertake the obligation to implement the quality, biosecurity, cybersecurity, safety, and pollution prevention policy throughout the Company and to observe all its provisions.

n) We delegate the Quality Assurance Department to ensure that this commitment is respected throughout Society.

o) We call every member of OMCS CLASS to participate in attaining this goal with enthusiasm, professionalism, team spirit, and a high sense of responsibility.

What We Believe

At OMCS CLASS, we realize that every vessel operator has unique needs. We work with you to provide the expertise you need, not the overhead you don’t. As the international maritime community moves toward uniform standards and safety equivalencies, we still value the personal relationship over a one-size-fits-all approach.

It is often said that classification societies live on their reputations. We have developed an unparalleled standing throughout the maritime industry for providing reliable, quality-oriented services. We consistently review our operating activities to ensure continuous improvement. Further, we believe in operating as a transparent organization open to external review.


Team Management

Our management team is comprised of leading industry experts with specialized technical training: Port Captains, Chief Engineers, Master Mariners, Naval Architects, and Marine Surveyors.  These senior managers bring to OMCS CLASS years of field experience working for top-tier IACS members.  This allows us to provide best-in-class value at an independent cost structure.

Our Technology

We are devoted to provide leadership in the implementation of new technologies to protect life, property, and the marine environment, using the best tools and techniques in the industry. We do this by maintaining an in-house, managerial and technical support as well as research staff. Our dedicated professionals ensure that you have access to world-class survey procedures and technologies, and our cutting-edge online database provides you real-time status of your compliance condition.


Corporate Magazine and profile


Contact Us


    +507 6676 8505
    +507 6670 6775


    Bldg. 0750-D Williamson Place, La Boca, Balboa, Panama City Republic of Panama

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